Lead from the Front

Companies who support Mission’s transformational work sign on to the front row of changing the game for all who battle cancer. It is a choice to align with triumph, determination, health/wellness, innovation, leadership, vision, strength, camaraderie and courage.

From underwriting specific programs such as the Training Center or Speaker Series to sponsoring a particular content or programmatic area (nutrition, exercise, mind-body health and more), there are many opportunities to connect your company with all that Mission represents in support of the booming demographic of cancer survivors.

For specifics on sponsorship, please contact Jeff Keith at jeff@yourmission.org or 203.418.4105.

Mission is a 501(c)(3) public charity registered under the name Connecticut Challenge. Donations are fully U.S. tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID#: 20-2777748

Our Manifesto.

Mission exists to help survivors punch through to the other side of cancer and stay there. #NoLimits