From Healthline
Excerpt: “Not only can your daily cup of joe help you feel more energized, burn fat and improve physical performance, it may also lower your risk of several conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. In fact, coffee may even boost longevity.
…For people who eat a standard Western diet, coffee may be one of the healthiest aspects of their diet. That’s because coffee is high in antioxidants. (Some) studies show that many people get more antioxidants from coffee than from fruits and vegetables combined. In fact, coffee may be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.”
For the complete article, including more on how coffee can fight depression and make you happier, drastically improve physical performance, help you burn fat, improve energy levels and make you smarter and even lower the risk of certain types of cancer, click here.